2021 Special District Election
Voter Turnout 32.55%
Total Number Voting: 6,726
Total Registered: 20,663
As of 6/3/2021
Precincts Reporting: 29 of 29
(We have 20 days to certify the election results)
Oregon Secretary of State Election Night Reporting
Order of Candidate Names on the Ballot
Candidates will be listed on the ballot in accordance with the Order of Candidate Names on the Ballot issue by the Secretary of State Random letter of alphabet Pursuant to ORS 254.155/Adm rule 165-010-0090.
County Voter Pamphlets
Please note Tillamook County does not provide a voter pamphlet
Only races with no candidates will have the write-ins tallied. We have 20 days to certify this election. All candidates and Write-In winners need to be confirmed by districts.
SEL 190 District Candidate Filing Form
Filings below as of 3/18/2021 5:00 PM (Updated as time allows)
Deadline for candidates is 3/18/2021 @ 5 p.m.
Supporting Information
Click on any item to see election results