
Permit ID(s): 
Project Type:
Land Use Application
Land Use Application Status: 
Appeal Period
Date of Notice: 
Friday, March 29, 2024
Applicant / Property Owner: 
Hillcrest Road
Neskowin, OR

A Variance request to increase the allowed driveway width of 25-percent of the street frontage of the lot to 42.6-percent and increase the allowed building width of 70-percent at all points to 77.1-percent, to allow for the placement of a residential structure and improve its driveway/access. The subject property is located in the Unincorporated Community of Neskowin, accessed via Hillcrest Road, a private road, zoned Neskowin Low Density Residential (NeskR-1) Zone and designated as Tax Lot 600 of Section 36BC, Township 5 South, Range 11 West, W.M., Tillamook County, Oregon. The applicant is Lydia Peters of Nathan Good Architects, and property owners are Brian Batchelder and Suzanne Gauen.