Tillamook Main Branch Library
1716 3rd St. Tillamook, OR 97141
Monday thru Friday: 9 am to 6 pm
Saturday: 10 am to 5 pm
"Olga y su hermano, Pedro 'Prieto' Acevedo, un carismático congresista, han alcanzado un estatus privilegiado en la ciudad de Nueva York. Olga es una reconocida organizadora de bodas de la élite de la ciudad, y su trabajo es recompensado con cifras astronómicas. Su hermano, 'Prieto' Acevedo, representa a la comunidad latina en su barrio natal de Brooklyn. Lo que pocos saben es que, a pesar de sus exitosas vidas, los Acevedo se criaron con su abuela cuando su madre, Blanca, los abandonó para entregarse al activismo político con los Young Lords. Ahora, tras sobrevivir al huracán María, ella reaparece súbitamente en sus vidas. Con el telón de fondo de la ciudad de Nueva York en los meses posteriores al devastador huracán, 'Olga muere soñando' explora la corrupción política, los conflictos familiares y el verdadero significado del sueño americano"--Contraportada del libro.
"En este volumen se recopilan los mejores relatos de Sue Zurita, extraídos de las ediciones independientes de Los pájaros que habitan mi corazón y Buenas noches, desolación, junto con algunos cuentos que nunca habían visto la luz y que la autora pone por fin a disposición de sus lectores. Algunos de ellos te proporcionarán respuestas a dudas que te persiguen, otros supondrán un abrazo al alma, y en algunos casos encontrarás la fuerza para superar los obstáculos propios de la vida y del día a día. Las historias de Sahara, Luis, Julieta, Marcela, Darisnel... nos hablan de amores y desamores, de la pérdida de un ser querido y de la fortaleza de uno mismo para superar las adversidades. Gracias a ellas descubriremos que en la vida nos sucederán cosas increíbles, divertidas y fantásticas... y también otras aburridas, menos gratas o dolorosas,pero que al fin y al cabo todas son experiencias que nos enseñarán a seguir adelante y gozar de la vida con todo su esplendor."-- Provided by publisher.
Vuelve la guía del embarazo más leída en el mundo que responde con humor y empatía a todas las preguntas de las futuras madres, desde la planificación hasta el posparto. Esta nueva edición, completamente actualizada y revisada, incluye todos los detalles del desarrollo del bebé semana a semana y capítulos completos dedicados al ritmo de vida durante el embarazo, el período anterior a la concepción, el embarazo gemelar y mucho más. Abarca nuevos temas e incluye información sobre los últimos avances en las prácticas de embarazo y parto, las novedades en materia de pruebas prenatales y seguridad de la medicación durante el embarazo, así como una nueva sección sobre cómo abordar el periodo posparto. También se incorporan las últimas tendencias en estilo de vida, desde las dietas alimentarias específicas, el ejercicio, el sexo, los viajes, hasta los partos en el agua o en casa. El mejor libro sobre embarazo se ha vuelto aún mejor. Nueva edición actualizada de la guía del embarazo más vendida en todo el mundo. Nueva edición actualizada de la guía del embarazo más vendida en todo el mundo.
El doctor Juan Rivera, basado en las últimas investigaciones y estudios clínicos de las mejores instituciones médicas del mundo, revela los remedios caseros que él mismo recomienda a las tres generaciones de mujeres de su familia: su madre, su esposa, su hermana y su hija. El doctor hispano más popular de Estados Unidos y corresponsal médico de Univision te ofrece esta completa guía práctica de la que podrás disponer con toda confianza para: Ganar energía y cuidar el cuerpo; mejorar la piel y el cabello; aliviar los síntomas del síndrome premenstrual y la menopausia; fortalecer la salud de los huesos; aliviar la ansiedad y la depresión; mejorar la salud del cerebro y la memoria; prevenir el cáncer de mama; combatir el estreñimiento; tratar los dolores de cabeza; superar las infecciones urinarias. Además, contiene un capítulo especial para fortalecer el sistema inmunológico de toda tu familia. Descubre las propiedades del azafrán para aliviar los síntomas del síndrome premenstrual, la pasionaria para conciliar el sueño, el romero para mejorar la memoria, y muchos santos remedios más que te ayudarán a calmar malestares de la cabeza a los pies.
"La historia del pueblo de Estados Unidos para jóvenes cuenta las historias de obreros, personas esclavizadas, inmigrantes, mujeres, personas negras, latinoamericanos, asiaticoestadounidenses, indígenas estadounidenses y otros que comúnmente son excluidos de libros de texto pero que constituyen parte de la fuerza impulsora de la historia de nuestra nación. Comenzando con un vistazo a la llegada de Cristóbal Colón desde la perspectiva de los indígenas arahuacos, atravesando las luchas por los derechos civiles, derechos de los trabajadores y derechos de las mujeres a lo largo de los siglos diecinueve y veinte y concluyendo con los movimientos sociales actuales que exigen acción contra el cambio climática y justicia racial, Zinn propone una nueva y radical manera de comprender la historia de los Estados Unidos. Al hacerlo, les recuerda a los lectores que el camino de los Estados Unidos puede ser trazado por el pueblo en vez de los generales militares o los políticos. Esta edición revisada y actualizada incluye nuevos capítulos sobre la historia de los latinos en los Estados Unidos de Ed Morales, así como también actualizaciones y revisiones cortas a lo largo del texto de Rebecca Stefoff"-- Provided by publisher.
Los niños con necesidades complejas -TDAH, ansiedad, autismo, depresión, dificultades de aprendizaje, síndrome de Tourette y otros- se enfrentan a una serie de dificultades comunes en algunos aspectos de la vida y el aprendizaje. Elaine Taylor-Klaus, experta y madre de tres jóvenes con necesidades complejas, ha creado esta guía esencial diseñada para acompañar e inspirar a madres y padres desorientados, agotados o desesperados. El gran éxito de este libro frente a otras obras sobre el tema se debe a que la autora lo aborda desde un lugar distinto, capacitando a los adultos en las diversas áreas de conflicto para que sean ellos los que empoderen a sus hijos desde el enfoque de un coach, con plena confianza en sus posibilidades de llegar a convertirse en adultos independientes y brillantes. Se trata de un modelo colaborativo, adaptable a distintas problemáticas, que ofrece las pautas para crear nuevas estructuras y dinámicas en el hogar, fijar expectativas realistas, mejorar las relaciones o trabajar la motivación a partir propuestas de autorreflexión y soluciones orientadas a la acción.
"Este libro marcará la diferencia en la literatura científica y humanista, en español, sobre las infancias: el primer manual de atención para los padres de niños y niñas transgénero, no binarios o género fluido, escrito por especialistas reconocidas en todo el mundo. Desde su publicación en habla inglesa, Infancias trans ha sido reconocido como la fuente de información más confiable para las familias que requieren orientación profesional. En esta nueva edición, las autoras Stephanie Brill y Rachel Pepper han revisado y actualizado el contenido para mantener una conversación que corresponda al momento que vivimos sobre crianza, salud mental, decisiones médicas, defensa legal y éxito escolar"-- Publisher's description.
Este libro no es solo un manual inspirador, sino que es el relato personal de una experiencia única que ofrece apoyo a quienes enfrentan un diagnóstico propio o de algún familiar cercano. Guillermo Iraola aborda de manera integral el TDAH, proporcionando información esencial sobre sus causas, síntomas y tratamientos, mientras destaca la diversidad de experiencias dentro de la comunidad TDAH. A través de relatos sinceros y anécdotas personales intercaladas con un análisis detallado de la historia del TDAH y los últimos hallazgos médicos, el autor explora los altibajos emocionales, los obstáculos cotidianos y los triunfos inesperados que ha experimentado debido a su diagnóstico. Al compartir estrategias prácticas y herramientas efectivas que ha descubierto en su propio viaje, Iraola busca ayudar y dar apoyo a los lectores con TDAH y a sus seres queridos en un camino difícil, lleno de obstáculos y, a veces, soledad. (Casi) todo lo que sé sobre TDAH no solo es una guía informativa y fundamentada, es también un testimonio inspirador y catártico que demuestra que el TDAH no define a una persona, sino que puede ser una fuente de fortaleza y creatividad cuando se aborda con comprensión y aceptación.
"La primera guía práctica y accesible para gestionar los síntomas del covid persistente. Se estima que más de un 10 % de los pacientes que se han contagiado de covid siguen sufriendo síntomas a medio y largo plazo. Sin embargo, no existe una orientación clara para estos pacientes y circula mucha información errónea sobre la enfermedad y sus secuelas. Esta guía, elaborada por el equipo de médicos especialistas de la Clínica Postcovid de Oxford, uno de los primeros centros especializados que se crearon al inicio de la pandemia, ofrece desde herramientas para que los pacientes de covid persistente sepan cómo enfrentarse a sus síntomas, como la disnea, la fatiga, la niebla cerebral o las afectaciones psicológicas, hasta consejos para prepararse para volver a hacer ejercicio o regresar al trabajo. Con esta guía, los pacientes se sentirán más acompañados en su camino hasta la recuperación" -- Back cover.
Dos personas cucú te explican que ir al psicólogo no es ninguna locura. Desde su exitoso pódcast, ¿Puedo hablar!, Enrique Aparicio (Esnórquel) y Beatriz Cepeda (Perra de Satán) rompen tabúes y tratan con naturalidad cuestiones como la ansiedad, la depresión, los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria o la ideación suicida. El libro ¿Puedo hablar de mi salud mental! es el puente que quieren tender a todas las personas que intuyen que hay algo en su vida que falla, pero no se atreven a pedir ayuda. Su ejemplo, el de dos personas para las que la terapia ha sido fundamental, puede servir de impulso para quienes saben que deben arreglar algo en su cabeza, aunque no sepan bien lo que es.
"El libro presenta una mirada integral a los síntomas típicos asociados con la demencia, los hallazgos actuales sobre las causas comunes de la enfermedad y brinda consejos esenciales para manejar los desafíos diarios de cuidar a una persona con demencia. Si bien la enfermedad de Alzheimer es el tipo de demencia más conocido, la Clínica Mayo sobre la enfermedad de Alzheimer y otras demenciastambién aborda otros tipos de demencia, como la demencia con cuerpos de Lewy, la degeneración frontotemporal y el deterioro cognitivo vascular, y cómo se desarrollan con frecuencia estas afecciones. Además, este libro brinda una mirada transparente a los cambios neurológicos que pueden ocurrir dentro del cerebro de un paciente con demencia y detalla cómo diferenciar entre los signos del envejecimiento normal y el envejecimiento con demencia." -- Amazon.com
¡Ya basta de dietas con trucos! Entalla es un sistema de alimentación con el que vas a lograr bajar de peso, tener una mejor nutrición y estar más saludable. Existen muchos factores en nuestra vida diaria que son importantes y a los que hay que prestar atención: dormir, hacer ejercicio, controlar el estrés y mantener las relaciones sociales son algunos de ellos. Juntos determinan quiénes somos y qué hacemos por nuestra salud. Pero existe un factor de riesgo en nuestra sociedad que está completamente fuera de control: la obesidad. Lograr tu peso ideal va más allá de cómo te ves en el espejo. Tu salud depende grandemente de que te mantengas en talla. Por eso, tras más de una década dedicado a educar y a crear herramientas de salud preventiva, el doctor Juan Rivera, junto a la nutricionista Sabrina Hernández-Cano, creó Entalla, un sistema de pérdida de peso que combina productos patentados, planes de dieta, y recetas para facilitar el control del peso y mejorar la salud en general. -- Provided by publisher.
Explora los maravillosos procesos que ocurren dentro nuestro propio cuerpo, normalmente, sin que nos demos cuenta de ello. ¿Por qué nos mareamos o sentimos mariposas en el estómago? ¿Qué ocurre cuando sentimos jetlag? Estas son solo algunas de las intrigantes preguntas a las que conseguirás dar respuesta con este libro. Aprender sobre el cuerpo humano nunca fue tan sencillo y divertido. Este libro apoya la comprensión de los textos con increíbles ilustraciones a color, las cuales muestran detalles y curiosidades que ayudan a descubrir todos los secretos que esconde nuestro cuerpo.
"A dual-voice cat-and-mouse thriller, told from the points of view of a killer who has created his own deadly religion and the only person who can stop him, an embattled young detective who sees the ghosts of his Native victims. In Gallup, New Mexico, where violent crime is five times the national average, a serial killer is operating unchecked, his targets indigent Native people whose murders are easily disguised as death by exposure on the frigid winter streets. He slips unnoticed through town, hidden in plain sight by his unassuming nature, while the voices in his head guide him toward a terrifying vision of glory. As the Gallup detectives struggle to put the pieces together, they consider calling in a controversial specialist to help. Rita Todacheene, Albuquerque PD forensic photographer, is at a crisis point in her career. Her colleagues are watching her with suspicion after the recent revelation that she can see the ghosts of murder victims. Her unmanageable caseload is further complicated by the fact that half the department has blacklisted her for ratting out a corrupt fellow cop. And back home in Tohatchi on the Navajo reservation, Rita's grandma is getting older. Maybe it's time for her to leave policework behind entirely--if only the ghosts will let her"-- Provided by publisher.
"Rudolph, New York, shop owner Merry Wilkinson's best friend Vicky Casey is newly engaged to Chef Mark Grosse and is moving into the historic Cole House-a home surrounded by drama, intrigue, and a possible haunting that is in desperate need of renovation. The wedding is just three weeks away, but all is not bliss for the newly engaged couple as estranged relatives of the late owner fight over her will. Then, late one night, Vicky and Merry come across a dead body in the garden of Cole House-and Mark is the one standing over the corpse. As Detective Diane Simmonds focuses on Mark as the prime suspect, Vicky asks for Merry's help to clear her fianč's name in time for the wedding. As they dig deeper into the connection between the house, Cole relatives, and town residents, past and present, it becomes clear that plenty of people wanted the victim dead. With a bakery to run, the busy Easter weekend fast approaching, a house to renovate, and a fianč to clear of a murder accusation, Vicky's wedding may end up on the chopping block. It's up to Merry to put aside the chocolate bunnies and stuffed rabbits and help her best friend save her wedding-and her life"-- Provided by publisher.
"Remarkable heroine Verity Kent must follow the leads of a dangerous investigation that will pull her into a conspiracy spilling dangerously out onto the streets of Interwar Dublin, Ireland in the next installment of this highly acclaimed series. June 1920, Ireland: The streets of Dublin seethe with revolution as the Irish Republican Army clashes with British authorities. Roving assassination squads mean nowhere is truly safe, particularly for Verity Kent and her war hero husband, Sidney. Given their celebrity as society darlings and intrepid sleuths, they must tread carefully to go unnoticed--nearly impossible when they are called upon to search for Verity's fellow spy and friend . . . Captain Alec Xavier has seemingly vanished after traveling to Dublin to infiltrate the IRA at its highest levels. Doing her best to maintain a modicum of normalcy and stay under the radar of both the rebels and British Intelligence, Verity works undercover by day and waltzes through the city's elite social scene by night. Still, she fears the worst for Alec--until shocking evidence mounts that not only is he alive, but that he has switched sides . . . Already disillusioned with the British government, the news leaves Verity and Sidney reeling. Worse, they learn of a conspiracy within Dublin Castle, where personal vendettas are being carried out and sanctioned by British Intelligence under the cover of revolution. With the distinction between friend and foe never more blurred--or the margin for error narrower--Verity and Sidney cannot turn a blind eye. Especially when a familiar adversary appears, bringing a threat almost too terrifying to confront--even in the cold light of day . . ."-- Publisher's website.
"The sixth Mercy Carr Mystery in which Mercy and Elvis must prove the innocence of a new friend accused of murder. Record snow and sleet and rain are pummeling Vermont and a wild boar has escaped from an exclusive hunting club nearby-but that won't stop a very pregnant and very bored Mercy Carr from hiking her beloved woods with her loyal dog Elvis. She's supposed to be decorating the nursery and helping her mother plan the baby shower, but she'd much rather be playing Scrabble with Homer Grant, a word-loving, shotgun-toting hermit living deep in the forest. But when she and Elvis drop by Homer's cabin for their weekly game, they arrive to find an unknown dead man-and no sign of Homer. As they search the woods, Mercy discovers a patch of devastation that could only be left behind by wild boar. She's relieved when Elvis tracks Homer, injured but alive. But Homer's troubles are far from over, as he's still the number one suspect and he remembers nothing of the attack. When another corpse with a link to Homer is found, Mercy is determined to help her friend, an effort complicated by the unexpected arrival of her young cousin Tandie, sent by Mercy's mother to keep an eye on her until the baby is born. As the floods worsen, Troy and Susie Bear are called out with all the other first responders, and Mercy finds herself alone at Grackle Tree Farm with a concussed Homer, Tandie, and Elvis. As waters rise and the wild boar rampages, Mercy realizes that the murderer is out there ready to strike again, this time much closer to home"-- Provided by publisher.
"Set in atmospheric 1950s San Francisco, Rough Pages asks who is allowed to tell their own stories, and how far would you go to seek out the truth. Private Detective Evander "Andy" Mills has been drawn back to the Lavender House estate for a missing person case. Pat, the family butler, has been volunteering for a book service, one that specializes in mailing queer books to a carefully guarded list of subscribers. With bookseller Howard Salzberger gone suspiciously missing along with his address book, everyone on that list, including some of Andy's closest friends, is now in danger. A search of Howard's bookstore reveals that someone wanted to stop him and his co-owner, Dorothea Lamb, from sending out their next book. The evidence points not just to the Feds, but to the Mafia, who would be happy to use the subscriber list for blackmail. Andy has to maneuver through both the government and the criminal world, all while dealing with a nosy reporter who remembers him from his days as a police detective and wants to know why he's no longer a cop. With his own secrets closing in on him, can Andy find the list before all the lives on it are at risk? Dive into the full Evander Mills series: Lavender House The Bell in the Fog Rough Pages"-- Provided by publisher.
"Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone meets The Goonies in The Treasure Hunters Club-a rollicking murder mystery set in a seaside town filled with pirate lore, family secrets, unforgiveable grudges, secret societies, and of course, a treasure lost to time. Welcome to Maple Bay, Nova Scotia. For nearly a century, people have ventured to the idyllic seaside town of Maple Bay in search of a legendary lost pirate treasure, but locals know there's more than just gold buried in the sand. As the paths of three strangers converge in Maple Bay, the truth is about to be blown wide open. But not before the bodies start to pile up. Peter Barnett is rapidly approaching forty with little to show for it when a mysterious letter invites him to Maple Bay and the mansion his estranged family has called home for generations. Seventeen-year-old Dandy Feltzen is isolated and adrift following the death of her beloved grandfather, until his final request and a tantalizing clue sets her on a mission to solve the mystery he spent his entire life chasing. Cass Jones has given up on her dream of being a successful author when an unexpected opportunity lands in her lap: a housesitting gig in remote Maple Bay, where she stumbles on the perfect subject matter for her breakout book-and the handsome sailor who might be just the person to help her research it. Peter, Dandy, and Cass have never met, but they're on a collision course with each other and the mystery that has defined Maple Bay for two centuries, and none of them are prepared for the shocking truths that may or may not still be buried there"-- Provided by publisher.
"In one of the most luxurious cities on earth... A billion-dollar deal is about to go badly wrong. A lavish night out is about to end in murder. And the British government is about to be plunged into crisis. In the heart of the British establishment... Lord Hartley, the latest in a line of peers going back over two hundred years, lies dying. But his will triggers an inheritance with explosive consequences. Two deaths. Continents apart. No obvious connection. So why are they both at the centre of a master criminal's plot for revenge? And can Scotland Yard's elite squad uncover the truth before it's too late"-- Provided by publisher.
"A magical island. A dangerous task. A burning secret. Linus Baker leads a quiet, solitary life. At forty, he lives in a tiny house with a devious cat and his old records. As a Caseworker at the Department in Charge of Magical Youth, he spends his days overseeing the well-being of children in government-sanctioned orphanages. When Linus is unexpectedly summoned by Extremely Upper Management, he's given a curious and highly classified assignment: travel to Marsyas Island Orphanage, where six unique magical children reside. Linus must set aside his fears and determine whether or not they're likely to bring about the end of days. But the children aren't the only secret the island keeps. Their caretaker is the charming and enigmatic Arthur Parnassus, who will do anything to keep his wards safe. As Arthur and Linus grow closer, long-held secrets are exposed, and Linus must make a choice: destroy a home or watch the world burn."-- Provided by publisher.
"In the Inupiaq village of Wainwright on the Arctic Ocean, two teenagers discover a frozen body in the permafrost wall of their family's cellar. They recognize the face through the ice. It is the face of a young woman who went missing -- two years ago . . . In South Dakota, Arliss Cutter searches for answers surrounding his brother's mysterious death. But his visit only raises more questions without any leads. Until he returns to Alaska -- and learns that his brother had something in common with the frozen body in the ice cellar . . . Inside the young woman's pocket is a fossilized animal tooth -- similar to the one Arliss's brother picked up on a trip to South Dakota. A bizarre coincidence? Or are the two connected somehow? Before Arliss can figure it out, his brother's widow and children become the targets of a brutal home invasion. Arliss arrives on the scene in time to save them -- but his actions trigger a larger investigation that puts his own neck on the line. From South Dakota to Anchorage to the Inupiaq villages of the Arctic, Arliss follows this bloodstained trail of clues to a remote lodge on the banks of the Kobuk River. Here, in this unforgiving wilderness, he will find the answers he seeks. Here, in this untamed, often violent land, he will come face to face with the terrible truth -- and the man behind his brother's murder . . ."-- Provided by publisher.
"A storm is on the horizon. America's days are numbered. A Chinese submarine has gone rogue and is navigating towards the continental United States, putting its nuclear missiles within striking distance of the West Coast. A rising Silicon Valley tech mogul with unknown allegiances is at the forefront of a revolution in quantum computing and Artificial Intelligence. A politician controlled by a foreign power is a breath away from the Oval Office. Three seemingly disconnected events are on a collision course to ignite a power grab unlike anything the world has ever seen. The country's only hope is a quantum computer that has gone dark, retreating to the deepest levels of the internet, learning at a rate inconceivable at her inception. But during her time in hiding, she has done more than learn. She has become a weapon. She is now positioned to act as either the country's greatest savior or its worst enemy. She is known as Alice and her only connection to the outside world is to a former Navy SEAL sniper named James Reece, who has left the violence of his past life behind. Will there be blood? Count on it!"-- Provided by publisher.
Here, for the first time, Ina Garten presents an intimate, entertaining, and inspiring account of her remarkable journey. Ina's gift is to make everything look easy, yet all her accomplishments have been the result of hard work, audacious choices, and exquisite attention to detail. In her unmistakable voice (no one tells a story like Ina), she brings her past and her process to life in a high-spirited and no-holds-barred memoir that chronicles decades of personal challenges, adventures (and misadventures) and unexpected career twists, all delivered with her signature combination of playfulness and purpose. From a difficult childhood to meeting the love of her life, Jeffrey, and marrying him while still in college, from a boring bureaucratic job in Washington, D.C., to answering an ad for a specialty food store in the Hamptons, from the owner of one Barefoot Contessa shop to author of bestselling cookbooks and celebrated television host, Ina has blazed her own trail and, in the meantime, taught millions of people how to cook and entertain. Now, she invites them to come closer to experience her story in vivid detail and to share the important life lessons she learned along the way: do what you love because if you love it you'll be really good at it, swing for the fences, and always Be Ready When the Luck Happens.
"Former White House Press Secretary and current MSNBC host Jen Psaki shares the surprising lessons she's learned on her path to success and offers unique yet universal advice about how to be a more effective communicator in any situation. Not many White House Press Secretaries capture the nation's interest the way Jen Psaki did. Refreshingly candid and clear, Psaki quickly became known for her ability to break through the noise and successfully deliver her message. In her highly anticipated book, Psaki shares her journey to the Briefing Room and beyond, taking readers along the campaign trail, to the State Department, and inside the White House under two Presidents. With her signature wit, Psaki writes about reporting to bosses from the hot-tempered Rahm Emanuel to the coolly intellectual Barack Obama to the surprisingly tenderhearted John Kerry. She also talks about her time working closely with President Joe Biden from the start of his administration to set a new tone for the country, restoring a sense of calm and respect for the role of the media in our Democracy. Since leaving the White House, Psaki's star has continued to rise. She launched a highly rated show on MSNBC and was so successful that in just six months she was given an additional primetime Monday slot, ahead of Rachel Maddow. And Psaki's work doesn't end at the office. She is the mother of two young children and shares her stories about the journey of communicating as a parent: During one bedtime briefing, her young daughter asked the question, "Why do wars start?", which Jen carefully explained and then got a follow up: "Have you ever seen a unicorn?""-- Provided by publisher.
"Every American president, from Washington to Biden: Their lives, policies, foibles, and legacies, assessed with clear-eyed authority and wit. Authors of the acclaimed Killing books, the #1 bestselling narrative history series in the world, Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard begin a new direction with Confronting the Presidents. From Washington to Jefferson, Lincoln to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Kennedy to Nixon, Reagan to Obama and Biden, the 45 United States presidents have left lasting impacts on our nation. Some of their legacies continue today, some are justly forgotten, and some have changed as America has changed. Whether famous, infamous, or obscure, all the presidents shaped our nation in unexpected ways. The authors' extensive research has uncovered never before seen historical facts based on private correspondence and newly discovered documentation, such as George Washington's troubled relationship with his mother. In Confronting the Presidents, O'Reilly and Dugard present 45 wonderfully entertaining and insightful portraits of each president, with no-spin commentary on their achievements--or lack thereof. Who best served America, and who undermined the founding ideals? Who were the first ladies, and what were their surprising roles in making history? Which presidents were the best, which the worst, and which didn't have much impact? How do decisions made in one era, under the pressure of particular circumstances, still resonate today? And what do presidents like to eat, drink, and do when they aren't working--or even sometimes when they are? These and many more questions are answered in each fascinating chapter of Confronting the Presidents. Written with O'Reilly and Dugard's signature style, authority, and eye for telling detail, Confronting the Presidents will delight all readers of history, politics, and current affairs, especially during the 2024 election season"-- Provided by publisher.
"Sunny Randall is ready to lighten her load as a PI, until she is called upon by billionaire Bill Welch to investigate the disappearance of his son, Dylan, the cofounder of the Gonzo Energy Drink company. As Sunny traces the marks left behind by Dylan's past, she discovers not only his bad behavior with women, but also his reckless moves within the business world, producing an energy drink that has proven dangerous and even deadly. Who is Dylan, really? And why has he vanished? When bodies start to pile up, Sunny must find answers quick, before she gets caught in the crossfire."-- Provided by publisher.
"When Barbara Van Laar is discovered missing from her summer camp bunk one morning in August 1975, it triggers a panicked, terrified search. Losing a camper is a horrific tragedy under any circumstances, but Barbara isn't just any camper, she's the daughter of the wealthy family who owns the camp--as well as the opulent nearby estate, and most of the land in sight. And this isn't the first time a Van Laar child has disappeared in this region: Barbara's older brother also went missing 16 years earlier, never to be found. How could this have happened yet again? Out of this gripping beginning, Liz Moore weaves a richly textured drama, both emotionally nuanced and propelled by a double-barreled mystery. Chasing down the layered secrets of the Van Laar family and the community working in its shadow, Moore's multi-threaded drama brings readers into the hearts of characters whose lives are forever changed by this eventful summer: Barbara's wounded, grieving mother; the "townie" whose family makes a living off this land; the 13-year-old camper struggling to find her way; and the outsider tasked with seeing the bigger picture, and uncovering the truth"-- Provided by publisher.
The curse on the Ashbourne and Bask families has finally broken, but Farrin Ashbourne still struggles with many burdens. Ever since her mother abandoned the family, she has run the estate, managed her father, and kept a tight control over her musical power. And yet, the Middlemist weakens more by the day--anointed magicians are disappearing, the High Queen Yvaine has strange visions, and a fiery Olden creature stalks Farrin. Knowing she must work with every ally she can, Farrin teams up with Ryder Bask, a man who infuriates her, to find stolen loved ones and uncover a dangerous truth.
"In this new standalone novel, Hugo Award-winning author Nghi Vo introduces a beguiling fantasy city in the tradition of Calvino, Mieville, and Le Guin. A demon. An angel. A city. The demon Vitrine - immortal, powerful, and capricious - loves the dazzling city of Azril. She has mothered, married, and maddened the city and its people for generations, and built it into a place of joy and desire, revelry and riot. And then the angels come, and the city falls. Vitrine is left with nothing but memories and a book containing the names of those she has lost - and an angel, now bound by her mad, grief-stricken curse to haunt the city he burned. She mourns her dead and rages against the angel she longs to destroy. Made to be each other's devastation, angel and demon are destined for eternal battle. Instead, they find themselves locked in a devouring fascination that will change them both forever. Together, they unearth the past of the lost city and begin to shape its future. But when war threatens Azril and everything they have built, Vitrine and her angel must decide whether they will let the city fall again. The City in Glass is both a brilliantly constructed history and an epic love story, of death and resurrection, memory and transformation, redemption and desire strong enough to reduce a world to ashes and remake it anew"-- Provided by publisher.
"Jessie Sheehan's lickety-split recipes, dynamic personality, and kitchen savvy advice have made her a beloved food personality on social media. In Salty, Cheesy, Herby, Crispy, she relies on the same assemble-in-minutes-with-everyday-ingredients mandate that has become her calling card, but now ventures into new flavor territory. Eschewing marshmallow creme in favor of pimiento cheese, Sheehan bakes up scrumptious, savory treats that are perfect for a snack board, offer sustenance for game night, and can easily stand in for lunch or grace the table at brunch"-- Provided by publisher.
"For some reason, when it comes to complex issues, we've largely limited ourselves to just two options, resulting in a society of non-thinkers. After all, once you've picked a side, all the thinking has already been done for you. As an independent, libertarian voter who has spent the last ten years at Fox News, Kat has faced this issue too many times to count. She's learned that surprising things can happen when you refuse to choose a team, especially when you work at a place some people call an existential threat to America. Binary thinking is much more than just the enemy of critical thinking, it's also an immediate danger to our political discourse, our institutions, our way of consuming news, our relationships, our creativity, and even to our freedoms. All too often, we will let a single difference in viewpoint, an assumption, or an association be enough to write off another person entirely, even if we know nothing else about them. We miss out on opportunities to connect or even collaborate, all while the people in power over us benefit from our division. Through humorous examples from her own life and insight only someone in her bizarre position can possess, Kat reminds us that the world doesn't have to be so black and white. In her signature witty voice, Kat inspires us to lean into thoughtful consideration, genuine conversation, vulnerability, and only hating people when they really deserve it."--Dust jacket.
"Tracing a loose arc from Edwidge Danticat's childhood to the COVID-19 pandemic and recent events in Haiti, the essays gathered in We're Alone include personal narrative, reportage, and tributes to mentors and heroes such as Toni Morrison, Paule Marshall, Gabriel García Márquez, and James Baldwin that explore several abiding themes: environmental catastrophe, the traumas of colonialism, motherhood, and the complexities of resilience. From hurricanes to political violence, from her days as a new student at a Brooklyn elementary school knowing little English to her account of a shooting hoax at a Miami mall, Danticat has an extraordinary ability to move from the personal to the global and back again. Throughout, literature and art prove to be her reliable companions and guides in both tragedies and triumphs. Danticat is an irresistible presence on the page: full of heart, outrage, humor, clear thinking, and moral questioning, while reminding us of the possibilities of community. And so "we're alone" is both a fearsome admission and an intimate invitation-we're alone now, we can talk. We're Alone is a book that asks us to think through some of the world's intractable problems while deepening our understanding of one of the most significant novelists at work today"-- Provided by publisher.
Drawing with colored pencils is an artistic technique that combines sketching and color, offering a lighter, more translucent texture. In the long history of Chinese art, birds and flowers have been a common theme in paintings. This book will teach you how to use vibrant colored pencils to depict birds and flowers with auspicious meanings, opening up a unique natural world. Through numerous tutorials comprising pictures and detailed explanations, you will be able to use the simplest drawing tools to create colorful, beautifully composed works of art. You will: · Master the process of drawing 10 types of flowers and 10 types of birds; · Gain a wealth of practical drawing skills through explanations of composition, coloring analysis, and tips on important and difficult points; · Obtain the line drafts of 10 works of art that beginners can easily copy; · Discover the culture of Chinese birds and flowers, and unlock broader creative inspiration; · Experience the beauty of nature through a variety of colors. Opening this book is like stepping into a secret garden, with the scent of flowers and the chirping of birds, allowing you to capture moving moments of pure beauty with pencil strokes.
The Louisiana gubernatorial election of 1872 was the most contentious in American history. After both parties complained of corruption, neither candidate would concede, two governors claimed office and chaos erupted. Rival newspapers engaged in a bitter war of words, politicians plotted to overthrow the government, and their supporters fought in the streets and attempted assassinations. The entire country watched in grim fascination as the wounds of the Civil War were ripped open and the promise of President Grant's Reconstruction faltered in the face of violent resistance and the birth of the Ku Klux Klan. In this riveting book, Dana Bash and David Fisher tell the incredible, little-known story of the election that pushed democracy to the breaking point. Readers will find eerie parallels to today's divided political landscape and leaders willing to seize power no matter the cost. An eye-opening warning of what's at stake and what it takes to protect our democracy, this is a must-read tale of America's deadliest election.
"Acclaimed mathematician David Sumpter shares practical and insightful solutions for navigating the chaos and complexity of our lives. What is the best way to think about the world? How often do we consider how our own thinking might impact the way we approach our daily decisions? Could it help or hinder our relationships, our careers, or even our health? As acclaimed mathematician David Sumpter shows, thinking about thinking is something we rarely do, yet it is something science questions all the time. He has spent decades studying what we could all learn from the mindsets of scientists, and Four Ways of Thinking is the result. Here he reveals the four easily applied approaches to our problems: statistical, interactive, chaotic, and complex. Combining engaging personal experience with practical advice and inspiring tales of groundbreaking scientific pioneers (with a tiny bit of number crunching along the way), Sumpter shows how these tried and tested methods can help us with every conundrum, from how to bicker less with our partners to pitching to a tough crowd-and in doing so, change our lives"-- Provided by publisher.
"From internationally bestselling author and journalist Andrew Smith, an immersive, alarming, sharp-eyed journey into the bizarre world of computer code, told through his sometimes painful, often amusing attempt to become a coder himself. Throughout history, technological revolutions have been driven by the invention of machines. But today, the power of the technology transforming our world lies in an intangible and impenetrable cosmos of software: algorithmic code. So symbiotic has our relationship with this code become that we barely notice it anymore. We can't see it, are not even sure how to think about it, and yet we do almost nothing that doesn't depend on it. In a world increasingly governed by technologies that so few can comprehend, who--or what--controls the future? Devil in the Stack follows Andrew Smith on his immersive trip into the world of coding, passing through the stories of logic, machine-learning, and early computing, from Ada Lovelace to Alan Turing and up to the present moment, behind the scenes into the lives--and minds--of the new frontierspeople of the twenty-first century: those who write code. Smith embarks on a quest to understand this sect in what he believes to be the only way possible: by learning to code himself. Expansive and effervescent, Devil in the Stack delivers a portrait of code as both a vivid culture and an impending threat. How do we control a technology that most people can't understand? And are we programming ourselves out of existence? Perhaps most terrifying of all: Is there something about the way we compute--the way code works--that is innately at odds with the way humans have evolved? By turns revelatory, unsettling, and joyously funny, Devil in the Stack is an essential book for our times, of vital interest to anyone hoping to participate in the future-defining technological debates to come"-- Provided by publisher.
"A blistering expose of Clarence Thomas and the conservative regime of corruption that has usurped the Supreme Court - by a Democratic activist and former Republican political operative. Public confidence in the Supreme Court has plummeted to new lows in the last few years - and for good reason. In the past three decades, six conservative justices have gained a supermajority through questionable means: a dubious intervention in a presidential election, perjury during Senate testimony, and a GOP Senate Leader's unethical blockade of a Supreme Court nomination. Behind this strategic dismantling of our Supreme Court is a vast, well-funded political machine-backed by the extreme right-wing Federalist Society, the notoriously secretive Catholic organization Opus Dei, and GOP megadonors operating from behind closed doors. Armed with an insider's perspective from his time within the conservative movement, David Brock reveals how the efforts to stack the court in service of extreme right-wing interests stem from a decades-long strategy to weaponize our judicial system into an extension of the Republican party itself. Stench investigates the ethics scandals that surround Clarence Thomas and his wife, the rightwing activist Ginni Thomas, culling new material from Thomas' accusers, along with original reporting and Brock's first-hand knowledge of the inner workings of the GOP. Stench is a staggering expose, one that only Brock could write-exhaustive in its research and revelatory in its access to the world of what has effectively become the Thomas Court"-- Provided by publisher.
"An award-winning journalist's deeply reported exploration of how race, identity, and political trauma have influenced the rise in far-right sentiment among Latinos, and how this group can shape American politics. Democrats have historically assumed they can rely on the Latino vote, but recent elections have shown this to be far from the case. In fact, despite his vociferous anti-immigrant rhetoric and disastrous border policies, Trump won a higher percentage of the Latino vote in 2020 than he did in 2016. Now, VICE News reporter Paola Ramos pulls back the curtain on these voters, traveling around the country to uncover what motivates them to vote for and support issues that seem so at odds with their self-interest. From coast to coast, cities to rural towns, Defectors introduces readers to underdog GOP candidates, January 6th insurrectionists, Evangelical pastors and culture war crusaders, aiming to identify the influences at the heart of this rightward shift. Through their stories, Ramos shows how tribalism, traditionalism, and political trauma within the Latino community has been weaponized to radicalize and convert voters who, like many of their white counterparts, are fearful of losing their place in American society. We meet Monica de la Cruz, a Republican congresswoman from the Rio Grande Valley who won on a platform centered on finishing "what Donald Trump started" and pushing the Great Replacement Theory; Ralph Arellanes, a Mexican man who refers to himself as a Spaniard and opposed the removal of a statue of a Spanish conquistador in New Mexico; Dominicans in the Bronx who voted for Trump; Evangelical pastor Luis Cabrera, who is pushing to "Make America Godly Again"; and Latina members of Moms for Liberty, a conservative group at the forefront of pushing bills like "Don't Say Gay." Cross-cultural and assiduously reported, Defectors highlights how one of America's most powerful and misunderstood electorates may come to define the future of American politics"-- Provided by publisher.
Charles Holland challenges us to look beyond the day-to-day familiarity of buildings to rediscover the pleasure of experiencing architecture. Architecture is bound up with our daily lives but, for most of us, it is experienced as a blur of habit. Our reactions towards the buildings that surround us are often culturally generated, and we experience them in ways that are immediate but often mundane. How to Enjoy Architecture: A Guide for Everyone encourages us to move beyond this and, instead, really look at buildings.
"Whether it's a fast-and-light backpacking adventure, a sea kayak safari, a family camping trip, or simply living and cooking outside in your garden, camping can do it all. Offering an escape from the stresses of everyday life, the art of camping lies in living simply, well. It's about paring back our busy, hyperconnected modern lives and embracing the many joys of living more slowly and connecting more meaningfully. The Camping Bible is the complete reference for newcomers and lifelong campers alike. Discover new adventures and clever hacks for Proper Camping, sleeping close to the earth in a shelter of stretched fabric held taught by pegs and guy lines, surrounded by the sounds of nature"-- Provided by publisher.
Lonely Planet's Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Wander Old Town's lanes in Georgia, slow down in Azerbaijan's outdoor cafes and see Armenia's mountaintop monasteries - all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan and begin your journey now.
"Donald Trump's November 2015 electoral victory was, to many, ominously validated by four years of demagogy, presidential name-calling, and-ten months into a pandemic-an incitement to violence that led a mob of thousands to descend on the Capitol in Washington, DC. Fueled by suspicion, conspiracy, and bigotry, a faction of Americans had decided to seize control. But the biggest effect of this right-wing wave may have been not on our national politics, but on the local governments of communities around the country. In Chaos Comes Calling, Sasha Abramsky investigates the empowerment of the far-right over the past few years, stoked by the Trump presidency and the Covid-19 pandemic. He tells the parallel stories of two communities, Shasta County, California and Sequim, Washington, where toxic alliances of QAnoners, anti-vaxxers, Christian nationalists, militia supporters and other denizens of the far-right have worked to take control of the levers of power. The trajectories of both communities expose the stark divisions and extremism that have come to define our political landscape over the past decade, and offer revealing glimpses of what the future may hold. While Sequim ultimately recalibrated in 2021, returning to rationality, Shasta County has descended further into a climate of intolerance and toxic divisiveness. Chaos Comes Calling vividly captures both the regressive forces gaining momentum all over the country and the tireless efforts of one citizens determined to organize against them"-- Provided by publisher.
"Whether you want to hike through Killarney National Park, visit the Cliffs of Moher, or experience the thriving arts and music scene in Dublin, the local Fodor's travel experts in Ireland are here to help! Fodor's Ireland: with Belfast and Northern Ireland guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This new edition has been fully-redesigned with an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos"-- Provided by publisher.
"With expert advice and stories from women across the medical spectrum who fought medical gaslighting and lived to tell their stories, patient advocate (and rare disease patient), Ilana Jacqueline provides a combat guide for increasing your confidence-and success-when advocating for your health"-- Provided by publisher.
"Nolo's Guide to Single-Member LLCs includes essential information readers need to decide whether an SMLLC is the right choice for their business. This book provides an overview of everything the reader needs to know about SMLLCs, including how to form an SMLLC and why it can be a good business entity choice, how to choose the proper tax treatment for an SMLLC, and the key tasks for running an SMLLC, including paying taxes, filing annual reports, and keeping proper records. It explains the attractive features of an SMLLC, such as pass-through taxation, personal liability protection, and flexibility of management. This book includes a sample operating agreement and written consent forms as well as tips and examples throughout to help clarify the most important points"-- Provided by publisher.
"Everything you need to get organized... Do your loved ones know where to find your insurance policies, passwords, title to your car, real estate deeds, health care directive, or even your will? If you're like a lot of people, you keep important information--from automated bill-pay details to passwords to the location of important documents--in your head or stashed in the odd desk drawer. Unfortunately, this disorganization will cause hassles for those who someday take care of you or your estate. Get It Together is a guide and resource to help you gather your records and prepare important documents. With it, you create an organizer for you and a road map for your survivors. It provides a complete framework to help you and others keep track of: secured places and passwords; employment and business records; bank, brokerage, and retirement accounts; personal property and real estate records; dependent children, pets, and livestock; insurance policies; tax records; estate planning documents; funeral arrangements; and letters to loved ones. The workbook is comprehensive, yet straightforward. In the first half, you'll find the pages to create your personal planner. In the second half, you'll find step-by-step instructions and helpful resources to guide your completion of each section. Examples of these sections are: How Durable Powers of Attorney for Finances Work; Types of Memorial Services; Choosing Your Executor or Successor Trustee; Avoiding Probate for Bank and Brokerage Accounts; and Leaving Your Vehicles to Others. You will also find direction for: safely storing your completed planner; maintaining your planner over time; and talking with loved ones about accessing your planner when the time comes. Your purchase includes downloadable forms to make your planner. If you like, you can download Get It Together's electronic files to create your planner. After saving the files to your computer, you will complete, print, and assemble the sections to create your personal planner. Later, when you want to update a section, you can simply modify the file on your computer. This workbook provides a complete system for structuring and organizing your information and documents into a records binder. For your ease, a companion Binder & Tab Set is also available. To purchase, search in 'All Departments' for 'get it together binder and tab set'"-- Provided by publisher.
This dictionary is organized into 38 themes, each with vocabulary words and contextualizing sentences, that provide students with 1,500 essential Arabic words and phrases. The book includes a brief introduction to Arabic pronunciation, complemented by free online audio recordings of native Arabic speakers reading the vocabulary and sentences.
A beautifully illustrated guide to over seventy-five important journeys in world literature, spanning more than thirty countries and twenty-five hundred years. From Homer's Odyssey, Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, and Cervantes's Don Quixote to Melville's Moby-Dick, Kerouac's On the Road, and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Americanah, some of the most powerful works of fiction center on a journey. Extending to the ends of the earth and spanning from ancient Greece to today, Literary Journeys is an enthralling book that takes you on a voyage of discovery through some of the most important journeys in literature. In original essays, an international team of literary critics, scholars, and other writers explore exciting, dangerous, tragic, and uplifting journeys in more than seventy-five classic and popular works of fiction from around the world. Chronologically arranged and gorgeously illustrated throughout with paintings, engravings, photographs, and maps in full color, this captivating book will appeal to readers who have travelled widely, who are planning a trip, or who love armchair travel.
"The billionaire entrepreneur and Tesla CEO Elon Musk has become inextricable from the social media platform that until 2023 was known as Twitter. Started in the mid-2000s as a playful microblogging platform, Twitter quickly became a vital nexus of global politics, culture, and media--where the retweet button could instantly catapult any idea to hundreds of millions of screens around the world, unleashing raw collective emotion like nothing else before. While its founder had idealistically dreamed of building a "digital town square," he detested Wall Street and never focused on building a profitable business. Musk joined the platform in 2010 and, by 2022, had become one of the site's most influential users, hooking over 80 million followers with a mix of provocations, promotion of his companies, and attacks on his enemies. To Musk, Twitter--once known for its almost absolute commitment to free speech--had badly lost its way. He blamed it for the proliferation of what he called the "woke mind virus" and claimed that the survival of democracy and the human race itself depended on the future of the site. In January of 2022, Musk began secretly accumulating Twitter stock. By April, he was its largest shareholder, and soon after, made an unsolicited offer to purchase the company for the unimaginable sum of $44 billion dollars. Backed into a corner, Twitter's board accepted his offer--but Musk quickly changed his mind, forcing Twitter to sue him to close the deal in October. The richest man on earth controlled one of the most powerful media platforms in the world--but at what price? Before long Twitter would be gone for good, replaced by something radically different, as Musk remade the company in his own image from the ground up. The story of the showdown between Musk and Twitter and his eventual takeover of the company is unlike anything in business or media that has come before. In vivid, cinematic detail, Conger and Mac follow the inner workings of the company as Musk lays siege to it, first from the outside as one of its most vocal users, and then finally from within as a contentious and mercurial leader. Musk has shared some of his version of events, but Conger and Mac have uncovered the full story through exclusive interviews, unreported documents, and internal recordings at Twitter following the billionaire's takeover. With unparalleled sources from within and around the company, they provide a revelatory, three-dimensional, and definitive account of what really happened when Musk showed up, spoiling for a brawl and intent on revolution, with his merciless, sycophantic cadre of lawyers, investors, and bankers. This is the defining story of our time told with uncommon style and peerless rigor. In a world of viral ideas and emotion, who gets to control the narrative, who gets to be heard, and what does power really cost?"-- Provided by publisher.
"This successor volume to The Singularity Is Near explores how technology will refashion the human race in the decades to come. In this entirely new book, Ray Kurzweil brings a fresh perspective to advances in the singularity-assessing the progress of many of his predictions and examining the novel advancements that, in the near future, will bring a revolution in knowledge and an expansion of human potential. Among the topics he discusses are rebuilding the world atom by atom with devices like nanobots; radical life extension beyond the current age limit of 120; reinventing intelligence by expanding biological capacity with nonbiological intelligence in the cloud; how life is improving with declines in poverty and violence; and the growth of technologies that can be applied to everything from clothes to building materials to growing human organs. He also considers the potential perils of biotechnology, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence, including such topics as how AI will impact unemployment and the safety of autonomous cars, and "After Life" technology, which will reanimate people who have passed away through a combination of data and DNA"-- Provided by publisher.
Here is the story of the largest storms on earth and how those storms are growing bigger and stronger. The tale of extreme weather doesn't begin with floods, fires, or even the air that carries this change to our lives. It begins with the ocean. Oceans create weather, climate, floods, droughts, and most of the geophysical fallout of global warming. Exactly how, award-winning writer Porter Fox contends, depends on invisible ocean currents, planetary cycles just now being defined, and processes in the deep ocean that may well have already saved us from the worst effects of the climate crisis. In an attempt to avert a coming age of superstorms, sea level rise, and catastrophic warming, scientists followed the lead of a college drop-out-turned-maverick sailor and storm-chaser; a Romanian refugee turned BBC radio host turned circumnavigating mapmaker; and an audacious new attempt to study storms above as well as deep below the ocean depths, using drones.
"From Time 100 honoree Saad Mohseni, the deeply moving and surprising story of the attempt to build a truly independent media company in contemporary Afghanistan. Saad Mohseni, chairman and CEO of Moby Group, Afghanistan's largest media company, charts a twenty-year effort to bring a free press to his country after years of Taliban rule, and how that effort persists even after the Taliban's return to power in 2021. In the heady early days of the American occupation, Mohseni returns to Kabul which he had last seen as a child before the Soviet invasion. Casting about for ways to be involved in the dawn of a new Afghanistan, Mohseni makes what seems like a quixotic decision to leave the comforts of a career in international banking to start a Kabul radio station with his three siblings. This unlikely venture quickly blossoms into a burgeoning television empire, bringing Mohseni and his family and employees into sometimes uncomfortable contact with everyone who has a stake in the country-from the government of Hamid Karzai to White House officials. Moreover, their radio and television networks soon become a necessary beacon for millions of Afghans, who rely on them not just for independent news but for joyful pleasures like soap operas and Afghan Star, a beloved national singing competition in a country whose previous rulers had banned (and would again ban) music. Mohseni's position at Moby affords him unique insights into this extraordinary yet troubled country, the youngest in the world outside of Sub-Saharan Africa, and his powerful account captures the spirit and resilience of the Afghan people-notably the hundreds of men and women still working in Moby's Kabul office today, who, once again under Taliban rule, create programs, report the news, and educate the public. Radio Free Afghanistan is a stunning, vibrant portrait of a nation in turmoil, poised between despair and hope"-- Provided by publisher.
"The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World 2025 explains how Walt Disney World works and how to use that knowledge to stay ahead of the crowd. Bob Sehlinger, Len Testa, and debut author Becky Gandillon know that you want your vacation to be anything but average, so they employ an expert team of researchers to find the secrets, the shortcuts, and the bargains that are sure to make your vacation exceptional! Find out what’s available in every category, ranked from best to worst, and get detailed plans to make the most of your time at Walt Disney World. Stay at a top-rated hotel, eat at the best restaurants, and experience all the most popular attractions"-- Provided by publisher.
"A gripping first-person account of how one Israeli grandfather helped rescue two generations of his family on October 7, 2023--a saga that reveals the deep tensions and systemic failures behind Hamas's attacks that day. On the morning of October 7, Amir Tibon and his wife were awakened by mortar rounds exploding near their home in Kibbutz Nahal Oz, a progressive Israeli community less than a mile from Gaza City. Soon, they were holding their two young daughters in the family's reinforced safe room, urging them not to cry as gunfire echoed just outside the door. With his cell phone battery running low, Amir texted his father: "The girls are behaving really well, but I'm worried they'll lose patience soon and Hamas will hear us." Some 45 miles north, Amir's parents had just cut short an early morning swim along the shores of Tel Aviv. Now, they jumped in their Jeep and sped toward Nahal Oz, armed only with a pistol but intent on saving their family at all costs. In The Gates of Gaza, Amir Tibon tells this harrowing story in full for the first time. He describes his family's ordeal--and the bravery that ultimately led to their rescue--alongside the histories of the place they call home and the systems of power that have kept them and their neighbors in Gaza in harm's way for decades. Woven throughout is Tibon's own expertise as a longtime international correspondent, as well as more than thirty original interviews: with residents of his kibbutz, with the Israeli soldiers who helped to wrest it from the hands of Hamas, and with experts on Gaza, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the failed peace process. More than one family's odyssey, The Gates of Gaza is the intimate story of a tight-knit community and the broader saga of war, occupation, and hostility between two national movements--a conflict that has not yet extinguished the enduring hope for peace."--Publisher.
When Republicans took control of the House in the 2022 midterm elections with a historically slim majority, mayhem began immediately. "Failed completely." "Can't govern." "Broken." "Lunatics." "Embarrassing." "Bunch of idiots." And that's how House Republicans described themselves. Take it from Marjorie Taylor Greene, who said in May 2024 that "many Americans in general are sick and tired and fed up with a feckless, useless Republican Party, a conference that does nothing." This is the House of George Santos and Jim Jordan, of Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz. They investigated space aliens and Hunter Biden's art dealer. They punched and they groped. They championed Confederates and insurrectionists--while disparaging the military and sabotaging the economy. They tied up the House so often with far-right fantasies that they produced what was arguably the least effective session of Congress in history. Dana Milbank spent a year reporting from inside the Capitol, watching the circus from the front row. The result, Fools on the Hill, is simultaneously horrifying and laugh-out-loud funny. Sadly, it is all true. -- Provided by publisher.
"An anthology of unsettling tales from contemporary China, translated into English for the very first time. Fourteen dazzling horror stories delve deep into the psyche of modern China in this new anthology curated by acclaimed writer and essayist Xueting C. Ni, editor and translator of the British Fantasy Award-winning Sinopticon. From the menacing vision of a red umbrella, to the ominous atmosphere of the Laughing Mountain; from the waking dream of virtual working to the sinister games of the locked room...this is a fascinating insight into the spine-chilling voices working within China today - a long way from the traditional expectations of hopping vampires and hanging ghosts. This ground-breaking collection features both well-known names and bold upcoming writers, including: Hong Niangzi, Fan Zhou, Chu Xidao, She Cong Ge, Chuan Ge, Goodnight, Xiaoqing, Zhou Dedong, Nanpai Sanshu, Yimei Tangguo, Chi Hui, Zhou Haohui, Su Min, Cai Jun, and Gu Shi."-- Back cover.
"Liam Noone was many things to many people. To the public, he was an exacting, self-made hotel magnate fleeing his past. To his three ex-wives, he was a loving albeit distant family man who kept his finances flush and his families carefully separated. To Nora, he was a father who often loved her from afar--notably a cliffside cottage perched on the California coast from which he fell to his death. The authorities rule the death accidental, but Nora and her estranged brother Sam have other ideas. As Nora and Sam form an uneasy alliance to unravel the mystery, they start putting together the pieces of their father's past--and uncover a family secret that changes everything"-- Provided by publisher.
"Since time immemorial, the Haddesley family has tended the cranberry bog. In exchange, the bog sustains them. The staunch seasons of their lives are governed by a strict covenant that is renewed each generation with the ritual sacrifice of their patriarch, and in return, the bog produces a "bog-wife." Brought to life from vegetation, this woman is meant to carry on the family line. But when the bog fails--or refuses--to honor the bargain, the Haddesleys, a group of discordant siblings still grieving the mother who mysteriously disappeared years earlier, face an unknown future. Middle child Wenna, summoned back to the dilapidated family manor just as her marriage is collapsing, believes the Haddesleys must abandon their patrimony. Her siblings are not so easily persuaded. Eldest daughter Eda, de facto head of the household, seeks to salvage the compact by desecrating it. Younger son Percy retreats into the wilderness in a dangerous bid to summon his own bog-wife. And as youngest daughter Nora takes desperate measures to keep her warring siblings together, fledgling patriarch Charlie uncovers a disturbing secret that casts doubt over everything the family has ever believed about itself"-- Provided by publisher.
"It's never too late for new beginnings. On the cusp of turning eighty, newly retired pharmacist Augusta Stern is adrift. When she relocates to Rallentando Springs-an active senior community in southern Florida-she unexpectedly crosses paths with Irving Rivkin, the delivery boy from her father's old pharmacy-and the man who broke her heart sixty years earlier. As a teenager growing up in 1920's Brooklyn, Augusta's role model was her father, Solomon Stern, the trusted owner of the local pharmacy and the neighborhood expert on every ailment. But when Augusta's mother dies and Great Aunt Esther moves in, Augusta can't help but be drawn to Esther's curious methods. As a healer herself, Esther offers Solomon's customers her own advice-unconventional remedies ranging from homemade chicken soup to a mysterious array of powders and potions. As Augusta prepares for pharmacy college, she is torn between loyalty to her father and fascination with her great aunt, all while navigating a budding but complicated relationship with Irving. Desperate for clarity, she impulsively uses Esther's most potent elixir with disastrous consequences. Disillusioned and alone, Augusta vows to reject Esther's enchantments forever. Sixty years later, confronted with Irving, Augusta is still haunted by the mistakes of her past. What happened all those years ago and how did her plan go so spectacularly wrong? Did Irving ever truly love her or was he simply playing a part? And can Augusta reclaim the magic of her youth before it's too late?"-- Provided by publisher.
"A thousand years ago in an ancient Scottish landscape, a woman is on the run with her three companions--a healer, a weaver, and a seer. The men hunting her will kill her--because she is the only one who stands between them and their violent ambition. She is no lady: she is the first queen of Scotland, married to a king called Macbeth. As the net closes in, what unfurls is a tale of passion, forced marriage, bloody massacre, and the harsh realities of medieval Scotland. At the heart of it is one strong, charismatic woman, who survived loss and jeopardy to outwit the endless plotting of a string of ruthless and power-hungry men. Her struggle won her a country. But now it could cost her life"-- Publisher's description.
The Hungarian noblewoman, Elizabeth Báthory's unspeakable crimes against her people are being reenacted in Paris and across the French countryside, and unless Special Agent Jeannette LaFarge and recent recruit Detective Daniel Murray act quickly, the upcoming grape harvest promises to yield blood instead of wine.
Julia Lombardi agrees to accompany artist Salvador Da̕l to the Sacro Bosco, Italy's "Garden of Monsters," in Bomarzo. There, she is his muse, posing as the goddess Persephone for him. The garden is unsettling and as Da̕l becomes more and more fanatic, Julia becomes drawn to their host, Ignazio, whom she finds both alluring and terrifying. Julia is soon on the verge of unraveling, and Da̕l's persistence is so intense that she begins to wonder if she really is becoming Persephone, queen of the Underworld.
"On the shores of this river, all the birds that fly, drink, perch on branches, and disturb siestas with the demonic squawking of the possessed-all those birds were once women. Welcome to Argentina and the fascinating, frightening, fantastical imagination of Mariana Enriquez. In twelve spellbinding new stories, Enriquez writes about ordinary people, especially women, whose lives turn inside out when they encounter terror, the surreal, and the supernatural. A neighborhood nuisanced by ghosts, a family whose faces melt away, a faded hotel haunted by a girl who dissolved in the watertank on the roof, a riverbank populated by birds that used to be women-these and other tales illuminate the shadows of contemporary life, where the line between good and evil no longer exists. Lyrical and hypnotic, heart-stopping and deeply moving, Enriquez's stories never fail to enthrall, entertain, and leave us shaken. Translated by the award-winning Megan McDowell, Enriquez's latest collection showcases her unique blend of the literary and the horrific, and show why Kazuo Ishiguro, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, calls her, "the most exciting discovery I've made in fiction for some time.""-- Provided by publisher.
"From bestselling author Karl Ove Knausgaard, a kaleidoscopic novel about human nature in the face of enormous change-and the warring impulses between light and dark that live in all of us Shapeshifting visitors, unsolved murders in the forest, black metal bands and an online bank of thousands of people's dreams-the star is back. Karl Ove Knausgaard's The Morning Star kept readers up all night, immersed with nine characters whose individual lives are heightened by the sudden appearance of a blazing new star, and The Wolves of Eternity portrayed the intimate experiences of two estranged half siblings decades before the star rises. In The Third Realm, the effects of the star are felt around the world, as people start to reckon with what it might possibly mean. With this next novel, the limitless scale and ambition of Knausgaard's new universe is clear. This is life, death, the human condition and the real-time creation of an epic and utterly immersive world"-- Provided by publisher.
"For wedding singer Mel Hart, the holidays have always retained a certain magic. Her mother, Connie, always managed to pull off spectacular Santa hijinx that convinced Mel to keep believing in Santa way longer than other kids. Those moments meant everything to Mel because the rest of the year, life was unpredictable because of her mother's alcohol use. But two weeks before Christmas, Mel gets a call from the hospital: her mother has died. Then a woman shows up on Mel's doorstep, claiming to be Connie's estranged best friend, promising to tell Mel a different narrative - one in which Connie was almost a famous country music star, if only a man hadn't gotten in the way. Instead of spending Christmas alone in her dead mother's lonely house, Mel agrees to stay with Barb for the holidays, finding herself in the middle of Barb's lovely but complicated family, uncovering secrets from the present and the past, while fighting an attraction to Barb's handsome but in-the-middle-of-a-divorce son. As the countdown to Christmas Eve ensues, Mel reckons with how little she knew about her mother's past while re-examining her own future. A Home for the Holidays is a moving exploration of complicated grief, mother-daughter relationships, loving someone with addiction, and the redemptive power of opening one's heart to love in all its forms"-- Provided by publisher.
It's the holiday of Hogswatch in the parallel universe of Discworld, the night when kids anticipate presents from the beloved Hogfather. But someone--or something-- wants the Hogfather out of the way. Now it's up to the most unlikely of heroes to get the holiday back on track before humanity loses all hope.
"When Audrey Needham returns to Charity Falls, Oregon, to help her great-aunt and great-uncle get settled in assisted living, she's resolved to get back to her demanding career as an interior designer. But the friendly community and the chance to learn the truth about a family tragedy tug at her heart-as does a handsome local do-gooder"-- Provided by publisher.
"When Lorelai Collins rescues a rare white orphaned buffalo calf, she unwittingly brings people to her Rocky Mountain ranch. When the attention turns threatening, she approaches the mysterious new trading post owner with a proposition, but they are soon faced with a greater threat--one that will test their limits and the love growing between them"-- Provided by publisher.
"Juniper and her sisters travel west to find the Blackfoot Piegan woman their late father credits with saving his life. Riley became a trapper in the Rocky Mountains to find peace and quiet, but he feels compelled to help the sisters on their mission. When it becomes clear they're now under pursuit, the questions mount as danger closes in"-- Provided by publisher.
"In this heartfelt, funny, and fascinating memoir, Kenny G shares how skinny Kenneth Gorelick, the kid who got hassled for his lunch money in a Seattle high school, became one of the most celebrated and revered virtuosos in the music industry. He uncovers how he's managed to rise above the fray, tune out the critics, and live a life filled with happiness and humor."-- Amazon.com.
"Leonard Cohen has aimed high: to be all Jewish heroes at once. Like Jacob, he struggled with angels. Like David, he sang psalms and seduced women. But he never ceased doing what he did best: going from city to city and reviving our hearts. Leonard Cohen: The Man Who Saw the Angels Fall follows the singer's cosmopolitan life from Montreal and New York to the Greek island of Hydra and examines his perpetual dialogues with himself, God, and avalanches. We see how six decades of radiant pessimism and a few thousand nights in hotel rooms transformed a young Jewish poet who longed to be a saint into an existentialist troubadour in love with women and a gravelly voiced crooner who taught a thousand ways of dissolving into love. After more than two decades of research and travels, Christophe Lebold, who befriended the poet and spent time with him in Los Angeles, delivers a stimulating analysis of Cohen's life and art. Gracefully blending biography and essay, he interrogates the mission Cohen set out for himself: to show us that darkness is just the flip side of light."-- Provided by publisher.
"Wallace "Wallo267" Peeples spent twenty years in and out of the prison system before restarting his life and catapulting himself to unforeseen levels of social impact, cultural influence, and success. Now he shares his story with the trademark honesty that's made him an inspiration to those who need it most"-- Provided by publisher.