Fish Eggs to Fry - Week 1 Update

The Spring Chinook salmon eggs were delivered to both the Bay City and Garibaldi branch libraries Tuesday, October 22nd. Kyle Wilson from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) and Diana DiMarco and Danielle Maillard from Tillamook Estuaries Partnership (TEP) joined us at each branch to share their expertise with attendees at the event. We hope you will join us in learning about salmon, their lifecycle and their habitats over the next several weeks. To that end, we’ll be sending out weekly updates, welcoming all ages to visit the tanks at the libraries, and enjoying a special Explore Nature program presented by TEP at this year’s salmon fry release.

Each week, we’ll provide:

Handouts (will vary weekly):

  • Salmon Observation Log, which can be completed using information and visuals included in this update or by visiting a branch in person. We recommend visiting the tanks in person for the best experience.
  • ODFW Egg to Fry Program overview sheet.
  • Two salmon coloring sheets for younger and older kids.

Tank updates for Bay City (BC) & Garibaldi (G):

  • Number of eggs received: BC-250, G-250
  • Water temperature: BC-52, G-53
  • Thermal Units (TUs): BC-712, G-712

Note: Salmon eggs mature based on water temperature. Salmon maturity is measured in TUs. One TU is accumulated for each degree over 320F. To calculate TUs, you will need the accumulated TUs and the daily water temperature. If the water temperature is 520F, 20 TUs will accumulate each day (water temperature 0F minus 32 = TU). Example: 10/22/24 TUs = 712 & water temperature at Garibaldi this morning was 530 . The equation to get TUs for today is (712+53-32 = 733 TUs for 10/23/24). Tomorrow, 733 will be our starting TUs in the equation at Garibaldi.

  • Egg/Fry mortality: BC-0, G-0

Note: Egg and Fry mortality means how many eggs or hatched fry died in the tank. Since the eggs just arrived, there are no mortalities.

Salmon trivia question:

Question: About how many salmon from one spawning pair live from the time they’re laid to the time the return as adults?

Answer: Each female salmon can have between 1,500 and 10,000 eggs. Only a few (0-10) of these eggs will survive to be adult salmon.


Here are some photos and a video clip link from eggs being introduced into the Garibaldi tank

Bay City tank

Eggs in tank

Eggs upon arrival

More to come next week! Click here to go back to the Fish Eggs to Fry weekly update page.

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Observation Worksheet
ODFW Flier
Baby Salmon Coloring sheer
Spawning Coloring Sheet