Fish Eggs to Fry: Week 4 Update

The alevins are growing.  Everything is looking good in both tanks.

Tank updates for Bay City (BC) & Garibaldi (G) as of 11/13/24:

Water temperature: BC-52, G-53

Thermal Units (TUs): BC-1,152, G-1,174

Mortalities (Morts): BC-Eggs 0, Fry 0, G-Eggs 1*, Fry 0

*The last egg that we had been hoping would hatch never fully emerged.  Its color was beginning to change, so we assume it was slowly dying.  It was removed to prevent possible contamination of other eggs. 

Salmon trivia question:

Question: How far do salmon travel?

Answer: Salmon travel the distance from their home stream to the ocean which can be hundreds of miles and they may travel in the ocean up to Alaska and far out to sea, some up to 1,000 miles.


Tillamook Estuaries Partnership provided some photos and the video this week.  To learn more and explore nature, go to

Look at how much the salmon have changed and grown since their arrival…


Video link: Garibaldi tank 11132024

What do you think they’ll look like next week?


  • Salmon language crossword puzzle provided by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.

More to come next week! Click here to go back to the Fish Eggs to Fry weekly update page.