Kids: Summer Reading BINGO (0-6)

Kids Summer Reading BINGO Sheet for ages 0 to 6.


Here you will find the BINGO Sheet, links, and instructions for children 0 to 6 years old. 

WHO: Children ages 0-6

WHERE: All Tillamook County Library locations, including the Bookmobile

WHEN: June 10th - August 3rd

HOW: Using the BINGO sheet, complete the task inside each BINGO square. Put a sticker on the square when it’s done. If you are not able to complete the task, read 3 books with your child as an alternative. 

Five completed BINGO lines will earn a free book for each completed line. The other 5 completed BINGO lines will earn additional prizes for each completed line. A completed BINGO sheet will earn a total of 10 prizes, a free t-shirt and an invitation to the End-Of-Summer Reading party with cake, pizza and additional prizes!

Prizes can be chosen throughout the summer or kiddos can wait to choose all prizes during Prize-A-Palooza.

Prize-A-Palooza will be held Aug 2nd-3rd. All available prizes will be displayed, school supplies, extra summer crafts and other free goodies available.

Special programs are scheduled at all Tillamook County Library locations throughout the summer. Check the schedules included in your sign-up bag, or the Library's online Events calender to find an event near you.

Below you can find all of the instructions found on the back of BINGO sheet:

Space B1: Walkable Story - Did you know that you can “walk” a story?! No, not on a leash, silly! Some stories really are made for movement. This year we have in-stalled a walkable story in the Maxwell Library Park on the west side of the building. A fantastic story has been laid out for you and your little one to expe-rience the magical story and movements! (Or read 3 books.)
Space B2: Read in a Blanket Fort - Who remembers the magic of blanket forts? Blanket forts feel like secret, magical spaces. Bring out the blankets and clear off the dining room table. It’s time to make a fort and use it for a cozy storytime. (Or read 3 books.)
Space B3: Attend a Storytime - Storytime is such a unique opportunity to share with your child. Check out the link to find a storytime near you and come enjoy stories, music and laughter. Which storytime did you attend? (Or read 3 books.)
Space B4: Dance - Music is such an important tool in early literacy. It helps children associate rhythm and language with reading. So put on your dancing shoes and your favorite song and dance with your kiddo! (Or read 3 books.)
Space B5: Read with a Stuffy - Most children have a favorite stuffy. Next time you and your child enjoy reading time together, encourage your child to include their stuffy in storytime. (Or read 3 books.)

Space I1: Backyard Scavenger Hunt - Children notice everything. So have some fun with it! In your sign-up packet you will find a backyard scavenger hunt. On a nice day take your child outside and let them notice everything around them. Encourage them to find the items on the sheet. (Or read 3 books.)
Space I2: Sign-up for a Library Card - Did you know that your early learner can have their very own library card? It’s true! Take a look at the information in the link provided to learn how to register your child for their own card. It’s the best thing ever! Also, they get a free book to keep when they get their own library card! How cool is that? Let us know what book you picked to take home in the text box. (Or read 3 books.)
Space I3: Color By Number - In the sign-up packet you will find 2 color-by-number sheets. Help your child work on their writing skills by encouraging them to color the pictures.(Or read 3 books.)
Space I4: Sing in the Bathtub - Bath time is the perfect time to work on early literacy skills with your kiddos! While bathing your child(ren) sing your child’s favorite song. Music is great for learning rhythms and rhyming! (Or read 3 books.)
Space I5: Sing a Book - Singing is a fabulous way to encourage language development and pre-reading skills. Take this Summer Reading opportunity to learn about the many and varied storybooks that are based on popular children’s songs. You can sing a book! Check out this list. (Or read 3 books.)

Space N1: Eat the Rainbow - Is your child a picky eater? Here’s the ultimate test. Use the handout in your sign-up packet to name foods for each color of the rainbow. A handout listing foods of the rainbow is also included for helpful suggestions. Use this activity to encourage your child to try new foods. (Or read 3 books.)
Space N2: Endangered Animal Scavenger Hunt - Each library location has hidden endangered animals. Using the checklist in the sign-up packet, visit your local li-brary and see if you & your child can find the hidden animals. (Or read 3 books.)
Space N4: Attend a Live Performance - Check out the complete list of performers that will be performing throughout the County’s library system this summer. The list is in your sign up packet. There’s something for everyone! (Or read 3 books)
Space N5: Read 3 Books - Check out your 3 favorite children’s books from your local library and share them with your child. If you have a toddler that you’re worried will destroy a regular book, choose some board books. Board books are cardboard-bound books that are able to withstand an active toddler’s interactions.

Space G1: Read as a Family - A guaranteed way to raise a child who reads is to model the behavior. Find some time this summer to read as a family. Read books, mag-azines, newspapers; anything that is NOT a device. Young children need to see the adults in their lives reading physical materials. If you need some sugges-tions, give us a call! (Or read 3 books.)
Space G2: Have a Book Playdate - One of the best things about summer is getting together with friends. Play dates are the BEST! Why not have a BOOK playdate? Share some of your favorite books with your friends and their children! Let us know what your favorite books to share are.(Or read 3 books.)
Space G3: Picture Walk Through a Storybook - Picture books are wonderful to enjoy with your children. Next time you check out an amazing picture book, take a “picture walk” through the book instead of reading it. It’s simple: instead of reading the actual text, talk to your child about what’s happening in the pic-tures. Ask them questions such as “what is happening in this picture?” and “what might happen on the next page?” Let us know in the box what book you “walked” through. (Or read 3 books).
Space G4: Tell A Story - Learning to tell stories is a key component of early literacy. Caregivers will encourage this behavior by modeling it. So, one of these summer nights, try telling your little one a story instead of reading one. You can make one up or use a time-tested classic. Encourage them to ask questions, add to the story themselves. There is a list of stories that you might already know linked on Beanstack and on our webpage. Let us know what story you told. (Or read 3 books)
Space G5: Make Sound - When children are young, they naturally gravitate towards activities that create sound. Sound is fascinating. Sounds also help their brains learn to identify patterns. Under your supervision, allow your child to create sound with child-safe kitchen instruments or other household items. Let us know what your child’s favorite instrument was.(Or read 3 books.)

Space O1: Learn a New Fingerplay/Rhyme - Fingerplays and rhymes are so much fun and help your child with language development. Head on over to Jbrary on YouTube to learn a new one! (Or read 3 books.)
Space O2: Take a Nature Walk - Next time you and your child are out and about in your neighborhood, take some time to notice the nature around you. Point out flow-ers, trees, grass, insects. Talk about the colors, textures and sounds of the insects. (Or read 3 books.)
Space O3: Play With Syllables - Learning about rhythm is incredibly important to children becoming ready to read. Practice syllables with your child by patting their knees to the syllables in their name, pets’ names, names of parents, common words around your house, etc. Learning that every word has a rhythm signifi-cantly increases a child’s reading readiness.. (Or read 3 books.)
Space O4: Match-up Handout - Help your child practice their writing skills by encouraging them to hold a crayon, marker, pencil and match up the objects on the “What Matches?” worksheet in the sign-up packet. (Or read 3 books.)
Space O5: Play With Your Child - In the early years of their childhood, children learn by play. Playing with other children, adults, even with themselves teaches them sharing, problem-solving, cooperation and imagination. Take half an hour and play with your child; play whatever game they want to. (Or read 3 books.)