Check out the new library catalog at Your PIN number will default to the last four of your phone number.
New Catalog Features Include:
Browse lists of new and popular titles created by your librarians
View/Manage and checkout e-books and e-audiobooks all in one place
See all formats available of a title
Easily get book recommendations on your "Recommended For You" page
Create manage and share your own lists
Save searches to trach favorite authors, series and formats
View on any mobile device or tablet
Discover research databases and other electronic resources
As part of the migration to this new library catalog, patrons should expect some service interruptions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will all my account information move to the new sytem?
All your current checkouts, holds and fines will migrate to the new catalog. Your reading history will not migrate to the new system. Please consider saving your reading history before March 7th.
Will my account login information change?
Yes, your pin number will default to the last four of your phone number.
Will this affect my Library2Go or Libby?
Yes, because your pin number will change to the last four of your phone number you will need to log in again to your Library2Go, and Libby.
How exactly do I re-login to Library2Go and Libby?
Begin by searching for our new consortium name "Chinook Library Network". Type in your library card number and your new pin number (last four of your phone number).
How will I access the new catalog?
The catalog will be available from our website,, on Tuesday, March 11th at 9am. When you log in to the new catalog you will sign in with your library card number and your pin number (last four of your phone number).
Can someone show me how to use the new catalog?
Yes! We will be happy to walk you through how to use the new catalog. We will also post tutorials on our youtube page beginning in March.
Why are we getting a new catalog?
There are several reasons but the biggest one is that we are joining a new library consortium called the Chinook Library Network. We will all be using the same catalog which makes it simpler to share items. You can read more about this merger at Lincoln and Tillamook Counties ILS Migration Project.
Any other changes I should know about?
The phone notification system will be briefly suspended. Please call or log in to find your most up to date account information.