Summer Reading 2024: Kazuyo Ito/enTaiko at Bay City

Saturday, July 13, 2024 - 11:00am

five young drummers perform on japanese drums

On Saturday, July 13th at 11 am the amazing group enTaiko will perform at the Bay City Branch Library. Come enjoy the amazing cultural drumming experience of Japanese drumming! 

Check out this enTaiko performance video



"Taiko is about community.

Taiko, Japanese drumming transcends all cultures and it is universal and anyone can do it. Participants from different ethnic backgrounds will work with each other to create music and learn to be open to the cultural traditions of others. Taiko education provides a path for individuals to discover, develop, and pursue their life skills and interests.

enTaiko was established  in 2007.  en Taiko played and practiced on old garbage bins. At first, en Taiko began as a means of teaching kids at schools, where music class was no longer offered. Drastic public school budget cuts continue to deprive students of the demonstrated benefits of formal music education. The practice and performances by en Taiko help fill this gap, by providing students with discipline, camaraderie, listening skills, and structure–all essential components of Japanese taiko.

Taiko played a vital role in strengthening community, whether in the schools, temples, or throughout the townships. Similarly, en Taiko aspires to create opportunity for strengthening and expanding community."