Dear Stranger letter campaign comes to the Tillamook County Library

Light green background with hands writing "Dear Stranger"

For 10 years, Oregon Humanities’ Dear Stranger project has invited Oregonians to exchange letters with people they’ve never met. Since 2014, more than 1,000 people have sent letters to Dear Stranger and received letters from other writers in exchange.

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the project, Oregon Humanities is partnering with libraries and museums across Oregon, including the Tillamook County Library. The downtown Tillamook library will host a bright red "Dear Stranger" drop box in the entry hallway. Envelopes for your letter, as well as brochures with additional information are provided. 

When you write to Dear Stranger, your letter will be swapped with one from another writer. They will get your letter; you will get theirs. The exchange is anonymous, and you can share as little or as much information about yourself as you like. To find out more details about the program visit the Oregon Humanities' Dear Stranger webpage.

All participants are invited to respond to the following prompt:

What is the Oregon you want to live in? It’s been nearly 250 years since the United States declared its independence. What do you hope the next 250 years hold for Oregon, and for the country? How will people govern themselves, share power and build community? How do you hope people will practice independence, interdependence or both? If you don’t live in Oregon, think about your own community. What is the world you want to see around you, now and in the future?

Letters need to be submitted to the library on or before October 31st. Library staff will ensure entries are returned to Oregon Humanities. Participants can expect to receive a letter from another writer in November.

This project is supported by funding from the Institute for Museum and Library Services' IMLS 250 project in partnership with the Federation of State Humanities Councils.

For more information, please contact:

Luke Kralik, Library Manager| Tillamook County Library | 503-842-4792 | |