Victims' Rights
Rights available to crime victims include the following (please note, this is not a complete list):
Automatic Rights
Open cases
- To be present at open court hearings, with or without a support person
- To have your "personal identifiers" protected from the offender.
- To have the judge consider your safety at a release hearing.
- To refuse to speak to an attorney or private investigator representing the defendant.
- To have the court take your schedule into account when setting trial dates or hearings that you are required to attend.
Closed cases
- To know the outcome of your case.
- To receive restitution for your crime-related costs.
- To speak at a hearing on a motion to set aside, vacate, or dismiss a conviction.
- To get a copy of a transcript or recording of open court proceedings if a transcript/ recording has already been made.
Rights that must be requested
Open cases
- To be notified of certain open court proceedings.
- To get certain criminal history information about the defendant.
- To have the defendant tested for HIV or other communicable diseases if the crime involved the transmission of bodily fluids.
- To be notified in advance about release hearings.
- To speak at a sentencing hearing or submit a statement in writing.
- To be consulted about the plea in a violent felony case.
Closed cases
- If an offender is sentenced to prison, to be notified when s/he is released.
- If an offender is sentenced to probation, to be notified of hearings where probation may be revoked.
- To not be contacted by the sex offender convicted in your sexual violence case.